Ok so I released the first single from my album early, but it isn't on itunes yet and probably won't be until next month or less time than that. I didn't post it here because I didn't want just another freebie because I need support. If you truly are a fan, then you'll buy it on itunes when it comes out. I have been job hunting and it's nearly impossible to get one in this city unless you're a college graduate, so I need the support/money. I put it on youtube so you can at least hear it, but please don't download it.
Later this year I'm going to shoot the music video =] that'll be fun. I'll keep ya posted.
8/11: And finally to add on, I have a new Myspace layout, but it's temporary until I have my friend make a new one for me. I personally made the header at the top ^_^. Check it out, and buy some songs from the album, "I'm Mad" will be on Itunes at next month for sure, it could come out at the end of this month but isn't for sure yet. If you want to here it, click the video below, go on my myspace where you can add it to your profile, or go to Jango.com and look for me =]
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